Plus d'informations
Need for an estimate Protection insurance
Interested in a Whole-life insurance MMA?
An Agent General MMA is at your disposal to meet your needs in insurance(assurance) and present you the assets(trump cards) of the solutions foresight MMA. He can propose you a personalized estimate, without commitment from you.
Contact our agents.
Anticipate his(her,its) funeral
Have you already remembered of the fact that you wish for your funeral? Does your family know your wills as for their organization? Maybe you wish to leave him(her) a capital to help him(it) to finance your burial? With MMA serenity, you are assured(insured) that your wills will be respected while relieving financially your close friends(relations).
The Capital Funeral
With MMA, you establish(constitute) a capital for your funeral in all simplicity.
Free amount: you determine the amount your loved ones will need for your funeral. When the time comes, all capital(2) will be paid to them within one month of receipt by the Insurer of the documents necessary for settlement.
A simple solution: no health questionnaire is required. Your lifetime contribution, calculated on the basis of the capital chosen and your age at subscription, is payable by automatic debit according to the chosen periodicity (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual).
Multiple guarantees of assistance: repatriation of the body and accompanying persons, advance of funds up to €500, intervention at the funeral home, advice service (formalities and procedures), custody of dependants, displacement of a loved one, psychological support, custody of ascendants and dependants, pets, early return of a beneficiary.
Free choice of beneficiaries: with MMA Sérénité, you choose between a relative or a funeral company as beneficiary. And at any time, you can modify the beneficiary named in the contract(3).
Our support is made in accordance with the conditions, limits, exclusions of guarantees and the amount of deductibles that are specified in the General Conditions and Special Conditions.
Retrouvez tous les commerces et services à Luzy sur achetezaluzy.fr : commerçants, artisans, professionnels et associations du territoire de Luzy !
Service de proximité | Suivi des sinistres et offre premium |
9, place du 8 mai 194558170 Luzy
Phone: 0386300200
Email : cabinet.clergeot@mma.fr
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